Voice Over for telephone Systems
Get A Professionally Recorded Phone Message
Do you need a professional phone message or voice over for your telephone system?
Then you have come to the right place!
SpeakOnline’ consultants are experts in making voice over for telephone systems.
Listen to an example here, multiple raw voice over messages – no music.
….and here are the same voice overs – but this time combined with music.
Give Your Customers A Pleasant Experience On the Phone!
When a customer calls your company, the telephone voice or themusic on hold is the first impression he gets of your company. If the customer feels at ease and well treated, it will benefit your conversation with him.
Many of our customers choose to use the waiting time on the phone by providing interesting, serious, or fun information about their company, combined with pleasant music on hold.
We have produced voice messages for a variety of voice response systems and for many customers – from large groups to small companies. All customers are treated equally – and all get a good price..!
Listen to more examples of music on hold and voice over for telephone systems at www.IVRrecordings.com
By getting satisfied customers on the phone, your sales curve will automatically go up.
When delivering voice over to your voice response system or your IP telephone, we always deliver in a format that matches your specific system. When ordering please choose which file format you prefer.
If you need music on hold for your telephone central – and you are tired of paying Koda/Gramex for your music, then SpeakOnline can help… Listen to examples of our Music On Hold here.
Right now, SpeakOnline offers a complete package for your IVR (Interactive Voice Response system) / answering machine / pbx etc.
Want to talk to us..?
Don’t hesitate to give us a call at (+44) 203 695 3673 for any question you may have.
– or write us an e-mail via [email protected] – or fill out our contact form, if you want an offer.